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About Us

Ezekiel 47:12 ESV


And on the banks, on both sides of the river, there will grow all kinds of trees for food. Their leaves will not wither, nor their fruit fail, but they will bear fresh fruit every month, because the water for them flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for healing.”


I, Ayomide El Bey, a retired educator, fell and injured my back while doing yard work. As a result of this accident, I suffered from sciatica for several years. While I tried different traditional medications, I could not find relief. I have always looked to herbs to supplement my health so I did was natural to me, I looked to the earth for healing.


For three years, I mixed one concoction to another and each batch of herbs, crystals and essential oils gave me even greater comfort. Ultimately, family and friends also found comfort. So, now I share with the world that I have created an herbal salve, that contains over 30 herbs, crystals and essential oils. This incredible mixture is called "30 Salve," and, it has given me the greatest comfort and relief. I started with 6 and then 16 ingredients and with the encouragement of family and friends I became a herbal mixologist. 


Many family and friends have used the salve and have found and love its ability to sooth their skin, hair, muscles and bones. 30 Salve is created with the finest quality organic products. 30 Salve is not a medication nor is it FDA approved, but, it is a product my friends, family and I love. 30 Salve is friend and family approved. Get yourself some and your skin, hair, muscles and bones will thank you.


Ayomide El Bey



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